April 20, 2014

A Message the Entire World Will Hear

Well folks, it's the moment we've all been waiting for. The world is waking up to a new reality as we discover the truth about who we really are. People are unplugging from the cultural program and seeing the reality behind the curtains that have been pulled over our eyes by clever businessmen and politicians. The truth is, you and I aren't really that different. In fact, even less different than we often realize. So, what are we always fighting about?

I'll tell you what we're fighting about. Words. Symbols. Imaginary lines. Illusions. 

Humans seem to have a keen knack for finding ways to differentiate themselves from others. The funny thing about this tendency is that it always seems to take the shape of a versus duality. Republican versus Democrat, team A versus team B, a nation versus another... sound familiar? It's as if we are programmed to be in a state of opposition. We are trained to think as an individual versus the world.

Let's look at religion. Don't you think that it's a little strange that so many people have been tortured and killed in the name of an ideology that teaches peace? How does this happen? It's because of our programmed duality instincts. Our religion becomes ingrained in our identity and our identity is in a state of opposition. We feel the need to defend our identity, and we will do so at any cost; even nail someone to a cross. 

The messages found throughout different religions are not that different. What we argue about are words and perceptions. It's fair to say that none of us can claim objective knowledge, so we must realize that our understanding of the infinite is limited by our perception. If we know that there's more that we don't know than that which we do know, how can we know that we are right and someone else is wrong? 

We each have different understandings of very similar concepts, but because we label them differently and use different metaphors to describe them, we think that we are different. All of these labels and symbols are illusions created by the ego; feeding our insecurities as we struggle to find our place in the world. Eventually we forget the difference between the mask that we wear and our true self. 

It's time for a revolution of consciousness unlike anything the world has ever seen. It's time to stand up for what we know in our hearts to be right and express the highest potential of our divine spirit by BEING the change that we want to see and living our lives with purpose, compassion, and empathy for our fellow man. It is through our actions and our creative ability to manifest our dreams into reality that we will affect REAL change in this world. Wishful thinking and fighting over our differences has proven to be ineffective. Socrates once stated that "the secret of change, is to focus all of your energy not on fighting the old; but on building the new." Unplug from the program and remember your ability to express divine love; as you are a fragment of the infinite light that lives within each of us. 


  1. simply and beautifully explained...and 'now' is the time...being in the moment is so freeing...

  2. I really love your site & all your wisdom... We speak the same language!

    Here's a poem I wrote called Aesthetic Warriors... http://anideanation.blogspot.ca/2013/05/aesthetic-warriors.html

    Please check us out on Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/AnIdeaNation & know that we will continue to support your messages of love, light, healing and hope. We are One.

  3. Wish the entire world would hear this... Most have their head too far up their ass to care though.


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