March 19, 2014

Merkaba: The Vehicle of Ascension

The Merkaba, also spelled Merkabah, is a vehicle of divine light allegedly used by ascended masters to connect with and reach those in tune with the higher realms. In Ancient Egypt, this primal pattern was called the Mer-Ka-Ba as three words. Mer meant a kind of light that rotated within itself. Ka meant spirit, in this case referring to the human spirit, and Ba meant the human body. Mer-Ka-Ba means the spirit/body surrounded by counter-rotating fields of light, spirals of energy as in DNA, which transports spirit/body from one dimension to another.

The geometry of the Merkaba is called ''Sacred Geometry,'' as this particular geometry is found in the creation patterns of all things in Creation. The Merkaba is a crystalline energy field that is comprised of specific sacred geometries that align the mind, body, and heart together. This energy field extends around the body, spinning at close to the speed of light, but for most of us it has slowed down or stopped spinning entirely due to a lack of use. When this field is reactivated and spinning properly, it is called a Merkaba, resembling the structure of a galaxy when fully activated.

The Merkaba enables us to experience expanded awareness and consciousness. 
By interlacing the two six pointed stars you bring forth the creation of mankind, the creation of the cosmic gateways and the creation of the eternal OM. The creation of the three dimensional reality manifesting in the 13th dimensional flow of energy (two stars on top of each other create 13 points, representing 13 dimensions).

In the Bible there is reference to Ezekiel and the wheels through which he ascended into heaven. This is said to be the Merkaba. In the Torah, there is reference to the Merkavah (as it is spelled in Hebrew) which has two different meanings: One meaning is ''chariot,'' which is a vehicle; the other is the ''Throne of God.'' Ascension involves a process where the human body is transformed into light and translated by an incredible birth into a new world. It is achieved through a meditation that requires the mind, heart, body, and spirit to completely integrate in one pattern of light and transcend the human limitations of this reality.


Annamerkaba. (2014, March 17). The power of merkaba. Retrieved from

Orunvalo. (n.d.). Merkaba: A vehicle of ascension. Retrieved from

Human Angels. (n.d.). Merkabah. Retrieved from

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