March 01, 2014

Should We Be More Open-Minded About Pseudosciences?

Before I get started here, I want to say that I absolutely love science, so don't misunderstand the intentions of this speculation. Through science we have discredited destructive ideologies resulting from ignorance and applied our gained knowledge to bring forth technologies that were once unimaginable. Hey, science is amazing; but let's consider some limitations. 

We're all familiar with the scientific method which has proven to be an incredible instrument for understanding the world around us. The limitations rest in the fact that experimental observations must be made through empirical evidence, or that which we can perceive with our senses. Now, there are some phenomena that we understand cannot be observed with our senses such as electromagnetic radiation outside of the frequencies that we perceive as color, and so we have created instruments to act as senses for gathering empirical data. But what about phenomena that we cannot perceive that we don't know about? 

Well, there was once a time when we didn't understand electromagnetic radiation, but through the scientific process we progressively collaborated brilliant discoveries which led to an understanding of something that we cannot sensually experience. Before the discovery of EMR it would have been absurd to suggest the possibilities that we take for granted today. Do you have any idea the amount of data that is contained within the undetectable vibrations surrounding you? A less conditioned mind would be astounded by this! 

Since we understand that our perception and knowledge is limited, it seems to be foolhardy to automatically discredit a claim that lacks empirical evidence. Pseudosciences such as astrology, chakras, and channeling hold little credibility in academia today and are easily dismissed. In fact, the term pseudoscience even seems to carry a negative connotation in many intellectual conversations. Why is this? Why do we limit our imagination when we know so little about the universe (or multiverse) that we are experiencing? Post your comments below. I'd love to hear your opinions on this. What's your favorite pseudoscience?  

I'll close with a thought from Aristotle, that "it is the mark of an educated mind to entertain a thought without accepting it." 


  1. Forty years ago, when I went to college, I was determined to study parapsychology. Now I believe there is no validity to any of it. It's all to easy to be swayed by exotic powers and beliefs.

  2. Sometimes I do wonder if by some weird chance the young-earth creationists got it right and the majority of us are all doomed :P

    There is what we think we know, what we know we don't know, and that of which we do not know that we don't know.

    And the ultimately unknowable truth.

    So stay open minded.


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