April 06, 2014

The Unified Field is Love

"The basic underlying and uniting force of the universe is a psychic energy field of love and soul consciousness (the Unified Field) which lies not only beyond time and space but ALSO beneath our deepest fears and whose principal property is the universal urge to unite."- Allen L. Roland, Ph.D.

The idea of a "unified field theory of everything" is certainly lofty but I have to admit, it really makes sense. I've read a lot about the holographic universe and string theory, but through study I never conceptually understood the idea of everything being interconnected. Intellectually, I just couldn't seem to wrap my mind around it all.

The overwhelming realization came to me suddenly while practicing compassion meditation. There are a variety of ways to do this, but I follow a simple practice of meditating upon the identity of another. To do this one must let go of all personal identification and submerge in the reality of another. Begin by imagining that their physical appearance is your own and then move deeper. Consider their hardship as if it were your own. You need to feel their pain as well as their joy. You need to become that person in that moment.

One evening while meditating in this way, I reached a point that I could no longer see the separation between myself and this other person. I realized that all of the things that I identify with as being myself are perceptual illusions, and who I am is something far more than thought and form. Beneath the thoughts and perceptual identifications there is a force that ties all things together. For centuries humans have sensed this force and called it by a plethora of names, shaping the countless religions throughout history and inspiring the study of metaphysics.

It's important to understand that the unified field is not subjectively confined to a single moment. In other words, time does not apply. This force already "knows" what is going to happen in the next moment because it already exists there. Fear and anxiety of the future is because of the uncertainty that we feel when we do not understand that the essence of our being is omnipresent (it exists in all places at all times) even though we only experience a subjective reality called perspective.

Not only is it omnipresent, it is also omniscient, or all knowing. Ever have an epiphany and wonder where the sudden understanding came from? That's the all knowing unified field, which is also all powerful, or omnipotent. When we move beyond the ego to see our true self, we realize that we already have all of the answers and potential, and it will flow through us in the moment that we need it; not before. This is why a central concept in religion is faith.

So how do we fully connect with this infinite source? It is through dissolving the individual identity and surrendering to pure consciousness. By dissolving the ego we eradicate greed, hatred, fear, bigotry, jealousy, superiority, and all other forms of individualism leaving only love. Love is the bridge that unites us all together. It is the cosmic glue that binds the metaphysical universe just as gravity unifies the physical universe. This is what Buckminster Fuller meant when he said that "love is metaphysical gravity." It is everything except the illusions that we create that blind us from it. These illusions form the ego which was shaped by experiences through limited perception and influenced by other egos that have also forgotten who they are on a fundamental level.

Love is not something that you can become more or less of. It is already infinite and all you have to do is surrender to it. This is why it has been said that spirituality is a destructive process. Adyashanti explained that "it has nothing to do with becoming better or being happier. Enlightenment is the crumbling away of untruth. It's seeing through the facade of pretense. It's the complete eradication of everything we imagined to be true.” In other words, it is the death of the ego.

I've found in my journey that the road is filled with traps. I recently wrote an article titled What is an Ego Trap | The Enlightened Masquerade which explains how easy it is to begin to think of oneself as being enlightened which becomes a new ego identification that creates a sense of superiority. For one who is truly enlightened, it is not possible to feel superior because enlightenment is the recognition that everything is love and the complete submission to it. Should you become nothing, you will become everything.

1 comment :

  1. "So how do we fully connect with this infinite source?" You're doing it already. You just don't perceive it, like we don't perceive the air - unless we decide to. "Today belongs to Love. I shall not fear."


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