July 15, 2014

Follow Your Heart: Become the Person You Were Meant to Be

"Don’t ask what the world needs. Ask what makes you come alive, and go do it. Because what the world needs is people who have come alive.” -Howard Thurman

When asked what they want to do with their life, most people cannot offer a straight answer. The reason is that what they truly enjoy doing and what they feel they should do to make money are two entirely different things. We feel that it's more important to get into a career that offers good pay and benefits rather than following where are hearts are trying to guide us. As a result, most people spend their lives chasing money and never fulfilling their heart's greatest desires. We pay the bills and accumulate possessions only to find ourselves on our death bed swimming in regret.

I challenge you to ask yourself the following question: What makes me feel alive? Go deep within yourself and find that burning passion that's been buried by society's definition of a successful life. Once you find it I want you to hold on to it and imagine yourself living that dream every day. Let go of all of the reasons that you've convinced yourself of why it could never work. Just allow your passion to consume you because the truth is, the things you're passionate about are not coincidence. When we deny our passions, we deny ourselves the chance to grow into the person that we were meant to be.

Everything you've ever wanted is on the other side of fear. Fear has you convinced that your heart should not be trusted because it's not realistic. We buy into the idea that reality is cruel and we must spend our days being miserable in order to survive. Well, I don't know about you but I fail to see much of a point in surviving if it's just to be miserable. Look at what we're becoming due to this idea of surviving rather than living. It drains the color from our world and turns us into mindless zombies with the sole purpose of consuming goods and chasing a currency of imaginary value. 

Every day we turn the page bringing us another step closer to the end of our story. Will your story be worth reading? Within you there is all of the potential that you'll ever need and by following your heart and intuition you will leave behind a legacy that will inspire others to listen to their own inner voice to seek the greatness that lives within us all. I'll close with a thought from Alan Watts, that "it is better to have a short life that is full of what you like doing than a long life spent in a miserable way." 


  1. Just what I needed today. Thanks AC!

  2. I could not refrain from commenting. Perfectly written!

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