July 21, 2014

Manifestation of Dreams is the Transformation of Self

Often times in life we are hit with overwhelming inspiration to pursue a dream, and during that moment of inspiration it seems as though the stars are aligned and nothing can hold us back. Riding on a passion-driven high, we know in our heart that we have found our purpose and set out to manifest our dream into reality. It seems as though synchronicity is in full effect, as little coincidences and serendipity confirm every epiphany that aligns with our vision. Days go by... weeks and then months. We pour our heart and soul into our vision but the optimism and passion begins to fade away. Why did it seem so right in the beginning if it was not meant to be? Were we just being naive, or is there something missing?

There are many who have experienced this time and time again leading to the perception of failure after failure which eventually drains them of their passion for life as they begin to see their dreams as the fairy tales of an imaginative child. It's called getting burnt out. Our once kaleidoscopic imagination is replaced by what we call 'reality' and we think of it as 'growing up.' We stop dreaming and we try to convince others that it is a pointless and heartbreaking endeavor. We stop living and merely survive.

Why is it that some people are living their dreams today, while others are just struggling to get by? Is it a matter of luck? Some would say so, but I'm here to tell a different story. There's more to the manifestation of dreams than just hard work and determination. Positive thinking is only going to get you so far. Inevitably, there will be times that it seems that the odds are against you. There will be struggle and a great deal of doubt, but all of this is part of the process. 

The reason that hardship is necessary is that the manifestation of your dream is more about your personal transformation than the alignment of external circumstances. Through the struggle, we are being transformed into the person that we need to be. When we give up at the sight of hardship, we confirm that we are not ready to live up to our dream. When our internal world comes into alignment with our dream, only then can we project our vision into the external world.

This is where faith comes in. You must trust the process, even when all seems lost and you've forgotten what you were even working for. You will fall countless times, but each time you rise you will be stronger and wiser than before. When you've lost all hope and there is no longer any light to be seen, you are now closer than you've ever been. You are now in your cocoon, and you will soon emerge completely transformed. Only then will you have the wings that you need to fly. Never give up, because when you do you deny yourself this transformation and the opportunity to actualize the greatest expression of your spirit. Everything that you need is already inside of you. Hold on to your dreams and trust in the process. 

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