The third eye has been recognized for eons, celebrated as the gateway to higher consciousness and symbolic of enlightenment. East Asian and Indian iconography represent the third eye as a dot, eye, or mark on the forehead of deities. Hindus place a 'tilak' between the eyebrows representing the third eye.
In the chakra system, the third eye is the sixth chakra, associated with the color indigo. Its orientation is self-reflection and its function is seeing, intuition, imagining, and accurate interpretation. Opening the sixth chakra is about breaking open our internal wisdom and seeing at a more perceptive level.
Much of this information is becoming common knowledge today, but many are interested in ways to activate the third eye. The pineal gland becomes calcified, which is a build up of calcium phosphate crystals caused primarily from nanobacteria. Interestingly, researchers are finding that this could be the cause of various diseases, as calcium shells build up in various parts of the body.
Here are a list of techniques that can be used to decalcify the pineal gland:
1. Meditation: Activating the third eye is traditionally accomplished through meditation. For a list of general mindfulness techniques, click on the link here. To activate the third eye during meditation, focus your attention on the point between your eyes. Imagine the third eye opening and see the energy around you through this new sense. Remember that the goal is to bring your attention to the third eye, not cross your eyes. This should be practiced regularly to achieve noticeable results. With enough practice, meditation can become a very surreal, out-of-body experience leading to greater connectivity to the collective consciousness and the ability to perceive higher dimensional realities that are missed by the five senses.
2. Psychedelics such as DMT (ayahuasca), psilocybin mushrooms, cannabis, peyote, etc. have been used to activate the third eye throughout time. The use of such substances is a personal choice that is not advocated by Aesthetic Conscience, but noted for complete information.
3. Sungazing: It has been long thought that the sun holds incredible power for those that wish to obtain it. Sungazing should be done with great care to avoid eye damage. It should be done within the first 15 minutes of sunrise, and the last 15 minutes of sunset for only a few seconds to begin with. With time one can gradually increase the amount of time but must always exercise caution to avoid damaging eyesight. For more information about sungazing please check out this great article by Fractal Enlightenment.
4. Proper diet: Eat less meat and processed food and more whole fruits and vegetables. A few items to consider adding to your diet include: Raw apple cider vinegar, garlic, MSM, raw chocolate, citric acid, oregano oil, and tamarind. Avoid mercury, pesticides, halides (flouride, chlorine, and bromide), calcium supplements, caffeine, alcohol, and tobacco. Diet is something that should be balanced with other factors, but this is a short list of things to consider if trying to aid the decalcification process with diet.
5. Binaural beats and theta waves: “Theta waves have been identified as the gateway to learning and memory. Theta meditation increases creativity, enhances learning, reduces stress and awakens intuition as well as other extrasensory perception skills. Theta consciousness allows us to connect with our creative inspirations, spiritual guidance and peak experiences. Through theta wave meditation, we can open our Third Eye and access the delta waves that unite us with Universal Energy and Cosmic Consciousness." (
A quick search on YouTube can get you started with this. Meditation with binaural beats and theta waves can have an astounding effect on the third eye.
6. Watch less television.
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This list is obviously noninclusive, but should serve as a great starting point. Check out the video below for more information about the pineal gland and activating your third eye.